Saturday, 10 May 2014

Arts and Culture: Importance, meaning and the Arts Council.


Hello, and welcome back to the labyrinth.  In today's post, I would like to talk about the importance of the arts and culture, and what they might mean, in our lives.  For me, art, in any form, can be inspiring and regenerative, can stun the senses creating wonderment (for example, the first time I saw Turner's work in London, and Monet's work in Paris - all I could say and think was 'Wow...'), and can massively enhance our mood.  It feels good to read a great book, to be an audience member at a great play, film or concert, or to produce something creative yourself, doesn't it?  Culture, for me, represents humanity in action - the road map of how we have lived and are living, and what we think, feel and believe.  In today's multi-cultural society, then, the inevitable blending of artistic and cultural ideas should be more interesting and exciting than ever.

Wherever we may live in the world, around us we can see the evidence of other peoples' existence.  From the earliest cave paintings and spiritually significant stone-hewn statues of the earth mother, we have progressed through paintings, sculptures, textiles, music, dance, literature, drama, film and radio, to today's multi-media digital world, where things can be created at the touch of a button.  I don't know about you, but I find the idea of 3D digital printing both fascinating and frightening!  Each facet of arts and culture reflects, through a different medium, a human story or message that we can relate to and, perhaps, re-tell in some form in our modern world.  Arts and culture help us understand and connect with one another in the present, and enable connection with those from the past, whether we love or hate their creations, and agree or disagree with the thoughts behind them.  Arts and culture, then, are the creative marks that humanity leaves on our world, from which we might learn and grow, and I believe they are of huge importance to society, offering benefits to our general health as well as having a role to play educationally and economically.

Here in England, the Arts Council promotes, funds and cherishes arts and culture, and our museums and libraries, all of which have been under threat through the financial cuts of the last few years.  They have carried out a review of 'The value of arts and culture to people and society', which is an illuminating read, and highlights the importance of the arts in society.  You can view it and a shareable infographic here, and browse the rest of their site.  Here is a short animated film from the Arts Council website that outlines their mission:

Have a look at this link from the Arts Council website to 'Voluntary Arts Week', running from 9th-18th May around the U.K.  It celebrates cultural creativity in the community, with lots of exciting things going on, such as craft exhibits and pop-up performances through flashmobs.  Wonderful stuff!

I'm off now to do something creative.  Have a great weekend...

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