Friday 21 February 2014

Challenge: Learning to Knit #4

First of all let me say, I'm loving learning to knit even though it's still going slow at the moment. I am only able to squeeze in practicing here and there due to other responsibilities, but having to learn like this is teaching me some valuable lessons.

I'm learning:

  1. You can't rush things sometimes...they just have to happen at their own pace
  2. Knitting teaches patience. 
  3. Even if you don't have the luxury of big blocks of time, taking things bit by bit also works when you want to give time to something
I knew the ideas intellectually behind these three lessons, but I'm really seeing all three in action as I learn how to knit. It's been an experience of wonderful reminders.

I never thought that when I decided to take up knitting that I'd glean other lessons besides the actual ones about how to knit. So I'm being patient with myself during this learning process. I'm relishing it all.

As for my tangible progress in learning how to knit, it's coming along okay. I've mentioned before that I've learned how to cast on and I've been learning the knit stitch as my next step. Well I've been slowly progressing to learn the purl stitch, which is similar to the knit stitch in a way. When knitting you use both the purl and knit stitches. They are different sides of the same coin in a way and help to make the pattern when you're knitting garments such as sweaters.

It's fascinating to me to learn the intricacies of how knitting comes together as I take it apart in order to learn. I've always been in awe of watching people knit and I had no idea how they were making such amazing things grow out of the ends of their knitting needles. Now as I learn, I'm seeing how it all comes together and it's encouraging to know that sometime soon I'll be making things also. I can't wait! 

Are you learning how to knit or learning a new skill? If you are, we'd love to hear from you. Why not leave us a comment to let us know what you're doing.

Have a great weekend!


  1. That is the beauty of learning a new skill isn't it? At first, you don't quite see how people actually create things using the skill. But as you progress it has to be a great feeling to know it is in reach for you to do the same. Patience definitely has to be key, and being in the moment. There is something very Zen about that in such an increasingly fast-paced, wired world.

  2. Sarah,
    It's so true! Learning new things yields all kinds of great surprises. I have found that knitting is a beautifully Zen activity and I'm so glad that I'm learning. Thanks for commenting!

