Monday 24 February 2014

Sanctuary - Self

We always hear that change is constant and this is very true. Sometimes change comes so silently that we barely notice until we look back some time later. However there are times when change smacks us right in the face and gets our attention immediately. Change is very much woven into the texture of life, whether it is by our own design or by outside forces.

In my own life over the years I've changed things when I've wanted to get another result out of life. Sometimes it has been on the surface changes like changing my hair color and other times it has been about changing something within my behavior. It's often good to shake things up I think and see what else life has to offer.

I love the above quote by the philosopher Socrates. It reminds me that as I'm working on changing something in my life that I must not look back so much as I'm prone to do sometimes. I have what I like to call a nostalgia noggin. I think that it's wonderful to look back and be nostalgic because that's where the memories reside. However, I always have to catch myself when I find that I'm dwelling there for too long. I know that our experiences make us who we are and I relish them, but I know that I must find a greater balance in my life. I don't want to wrestle with the past anymore. I want to embrace it and move on forward with my life.

So as I go forward with creating new opportunities for myself and new challenges, I'm going to remind myself that I don't need to fight with my love for nostalgia and the way things used to be. I can relish the old whilst I build new things into my life. I'm excited to see what's to come!

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