Sunday 15 December 2013

Hello From Dori

I am at a point in my life where I am wanting more from it and recently I've found myself floundering. I finished my university degree about three months ago and I thought that that would set me upon a course to other things in life, but it hasn't worked out that way. I didn't expect the world to stretch out a red carpet before me at all. I just thought that I would seize the moment better and get started with the next chapter of my life. But this has not happened.

When I think about what I want from my life, many things come to mind but not enough of them stick in order for me to make a real plan. The truth of the matter is that I want a life less ordinary. If I can be so bold, I'd say I want an extraordinary life. I don't mean a life of fame or anything like that...I mean a life where I'm truly alive and taking all of the experiences that I encounter with an open heart.

When Val and I realized that we were at similar points in our lives, we came together with the idea of creating this blog. We want it to be a place of renewal as we explore the journey of life together.

We decided to call our site Labyrinthus XXI because this is a place about finding our way through the labyrinth of life in the 21st Century.  We will be sharing articles on subjects such as travel, style, health, food, culture and life in general. Val and I are also setting ourselves a challenge to begin in the new year. So starting on January 1, 2014 I will be learning to knit. I have wanted to learn for a long time, but it's one of those things that I keep putting off. Well 2014 is the year when Dori gets knitting!

We hope that you will come along with Val and I as we cultivate our new skills and share our ups and downs. As we develop and reveal aspects of ourselves, we hope that you will feel free to share with us and others as we build a community together.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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