Hello there. Wow! I
can’t believe it’s been two weeks since my last piano challenge update, but it
is, and here we are again. I have to
admit to the fact that I haven’t done as much piano practice as usual due to
the sheer mass of other things going on.
I know, I know...excuses, excuses.
It all sounds like a cop-out, but there just hasn’t been enough time to
do all the things that need doing.
Time... Mmmm... Time will have to be the subject of another
post. Another time...
Getting back to what I
have done piano-wise, I’ve been trying to concentrate on the sight-reading
aspects, as I find I can play things quite readily by ear, but not necessarily
with the right fingers. This means my fingers almost get tangled up at
times! Imagine my long, bony fingers all
tied up in knots... Yep, that’s the
image! It will get better though, and I
have progressed since I started.
Each time I sit down at
the piano, I go back over the elements of Lesson 1, practising the basic notes,
scales and tunes, and this week I’ve started on Lesson 2, which is all about ‘understanding
timing and rhythm’. It seems quite
theory-heavy, if you know what I mean, and I don’t want to bore you with too
much detail, so I’ll just say my brain is full of four-four time, crotchets and
demi-semiquavers (!), extended note values, rests, staccato and Mozart! Yikes.
So, there’s a lot of learning going on, as well as trying to remember
which note is which on and between the lines on the staves. It’s interesting...and I hope it all clicks
into place soon. Looking at the content of Lesson 3, it’s
going to need to, because that’s where the ‘left hand’ joins the right hand to
dance together on the keyboard! Now that
will be a challenge...
My next piano update
will be posted here on the 14th February, and my plan is to post a
video that will be a reference point for my current ‘skill’ level (!), that I
can come back to and laugh at in the not-too-distant future when I’m playing
like this! Note: My daughter, who plays the piano, has recently
started to teach herself to play the violin, and she wants us to play this
piece as a duet! Won’t that be great (and isn't Brian Crain's piece brilliant)?
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