Saturday 22 March 2014

Style/Home: Nods to the Past

Recently when I was out on one of my Saturday trips doing some home store browsing, I had the chance to buy something that really appealed to me because it reminded me of back home. And I find that when I come across little things that remind me of the house that I grew up in, I'm drawn to them whether I buy the item or not. Things like this are subtle reminders of my roots and that is important to me especially since I live in a different country now.

So here's the piece that I found:

It's a little footed glass dish with a lid. It's not anything remarkable but it appealed to me because it reminded of a footed sugar bowl that we had around the house when I was growing up. The sugar bowl was clear glass and this one has a pinkish hue, but they are so similar. One of the things that I used to love to do when I was a kid was to fill the sugar bowl. I'd watch my mom like a hawk when she made her coffee. I'd peek around her to see if the bowl was close to being empty. And when it was I would plead with her to let me fill it. Usually I was given the chance to do it. This made me very happy.

When I saw the new piece my mind was instantly taken back to my childhood, so I had to have it for nostalgia's sake and maybe something deeper. I guess indeed it was all about roots for me. I bought it for about £5 ($8 US) which was a bargain.

This made me think about how it's important to create your own identity in your home. It's great to have the chance to create the look of your home with bits of what you like now and also sometimes nods to your past. This dish is my nod to my past :-)


  1. Hi Dori, I kow exactly what you mean with nods to the past. My Mother died 45 years ago and I still have china that belonged to her -- I never use it -- but I couldn't part with it! Seeing Val's costume post had me "nodding off " too.The little needle case in the form of a house made me think of the needle case I use -- made by my daughter at school 40 years ago.

  2. By the way,I didn't mean nodding off to sleep, I mean't nods to the past!

  3. Joan,
    I'm so glad that what I wrote resonated with you. Yes, those memories are powerful and it helps to have something tangible to hold onto as we reminisce. And I understood what you were saying about 'nodding off'. Love it :-) Thanks so much for visiting us and commenting!

