Wednesday 2 April 2014

Recipe: Banana Breakfast Smoothie

Hello again.  Today's recipe is simple, quick, healthy and delicious (if you like bananas!), and also counts for two of my daily fruit/veg portions.  Yesterday, it was announced on the news here in England that 'five a day' fruit/veg portions is no longer enough - apparently, we should all be aiming for seven a day.  What do you all think about that?  I think on an average day, I eat around five portions, but these are mainly vegetables rather than fruit.  So, all I need to do is have a smoothie each morning varying the fruit and I'll be okay.  Or perhaps eat an apple and a clementine with lunch, instead of crisps...  Anyway, here's the recipe:


2 Bananas
Half a large glass of milk
1 tablespoon oats
A pinch of cinnamon


Slice the bananas and put all of the ingredients in the blender.
Blend for 30 seconds or so.


This is a great way to 'up' your fruit intake, and like I said earlier, you can vary what you throw in to the blender.  For example, I've substituted one of the bananas for a kiwi fruit, and it's delicious.

If you're avoiding dairy products, you could substitute the milk for almond milk, or even forget the milk completely and use fruit juice and frozen fruit.  I've found this website, which has some delicious recipes, and they use a lot of frozen fruit - even frozen bananas.  I'll bet they're really refreshing in the summer, and I'll be trying lots of them!  Do you have a favourite smoothie that you can share?  Let us know in the comments box below.  Until next time...

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